(Thu) 12/8/22

Starting 6:30PM EST (GMT-5)

Link to live-stream


Time Name
6:30 Kelin, Coco, and Xuan
7:00 Carla and Riho
7:30 Jei
8:00 Sunil and Reno
8:30 Mihika
9:00 Joshua


What is this for?

The Live Coding course at IDM at NYU during Fall 2022. Taught by Melody Loveless.

What is live coding?

Live coding is the act of manipulating code in real time as part of an artistic expression and/or performance. This concept is not new and there's a thriving global community already doing and discussing this. You can find more information about this here.

What is an algorave?

An algorave is an event featuring performers using algorithms as part of a performance, like creating sound, visuals, choreography, and more. Live coding is prominent at algoraves.


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This website was designed by Riho Hagi.

solid(100/255, 125/255, 255/255) .diff(noise(2)) .posterize(30) .mult(osc(20,-0.1,1).modulate(noise(2,1)).rotate(0.1)) .posterize([3,10,2].fast(0.5).smooth(1)) .modulateRotate(o0,()=>mouse.x*0.003) .out(o0)